XP-Dev.com Documentation

2016 Platform Release Notes


In March 2016 we released a new platform that:

  • Allows hosting of your project and repositories in a few locations around the world so that you get faster access to your data. Locations are:
    • Europe (Germany)
    • Europe (United Kingdom)
    • North America - East (Montreal, QC, Canada)
    • North America - West (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
    • A full list of locations, including locations in the pipeline can be found here
  • Faster SSD based storage.
  • Your own base URL such as https://company.xp-dev.com, where you can manage your own project, repository and user namespace.
  • Allows you to have better administration, permissions and access level control over your users and projects.


We will contact you by email on a scheduled migration period for your account, or you can request one by contacting us.

During the migration process, all your users will receive new passwords and instructions on how to login to the new account.

Your data on the old platform will remain there until such time that you delete that old account, however, we will disable access to those project and repositories to avoid confusion between the old and new accounts.

Project and Repository URL Changes

Once your account has been migrated to our new platform, the base URLs for your repositories and projects URLs will change from https://xp-dev.com/... to https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/..., or a different base URL that you'd like.

Trac projects will change from https://xp-dev.com/trac/<project-name> to https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/trac/<project-name>

Repositories URL changes are described below:

Repository Type Scheme Original URL New URL
Subversion HTTPS https://xp-dev.com/svn/<repository-name> https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/svn/<repository-name>
Git HTTPS https://xp-dev.com/git/<repository-name> https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/git/<repository-name>
SSH ssh://xp-dev.com/<repository-name> ssh://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/<your-username>/<repository-name>
Mercurial HTTPS https://xp-dev.com/hg/<repository-name> https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/hg/<repository-name>
SSH ssh://xp-dev.com/<repository-name> ssh://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/<your-username>/<repository-name>

Switching Repository URLs

You will need to switch any local Subversion working copies or Git/Mercurial clones to the new repository URLs:

Amazon S3 Backups

Our new platform includes Amazon S3 backups, so, you will not have to pay extra for this additional feature.

As we have changed the way we perform backups to Amazon S3, you will need to reconfigure your backups. Just head to https://<your-username>.xp-dev.com/s3backup post migration to do this. We highly recommend using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to generate a specific user for us to perform backups.

Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.