XP-Dev.com Documentation

Project Permissions

This user guide only applies if your account and project is on our old platform, i.e. if your project's URL begins with https://xp-dev.com rather than https://<your-account>.xp-dev.com. If your account is on our new platform, you should be using this user guide instead.

Note: Project permissions can only be altered by project owners or admins. Please ensure that you're the owner or an admin before performing these steps

On XP-Dev.com, each person creates their own accounts and these accounts are available system wide. So, when you add or remove a user, you're actually working on a unique user on the system.

In other words, the user john on Project Sproketts is the same as the user john on Project Alice.

Repository permissions are inherited from their parent project. For e.g. a project writer will have write access to the source control repository.

Permission Types

There are a number of different permission types that can be assigned to users:

  • Admins: Project administrators have access to create/delete repositories as well as administer them with respect to configuring them to integrate with various external tools like Twitter, Basecamp, FogBugz, etc. Additionally, project administrators can amend project permissions (add/remove users) as well.
  • Writers: Writers are users who can make and commit changes to the project (including repositories), and they are not allowed to perform any of the adminstrative tasks like administering repositories or permissions.
  • Readers: Readers are users who only have read-only access to the project (including repositories) and can't make or commit any changes.
  • Project Tracking Writers: Project Tracking Writers are users who can make and commit changes to the project (excluding repositories). They are not allowed to perform any of the administrative tasks or access to repositories.
  • Project Tracking Readers: Project Tracking Readers are users who have read-only access to the project (excluding repositories).

Adding Users to a Project

Select the project's Settings tab and then the Permissions tab. Click on the link at the bottom of the page called Assign Permission to a New User:

Permissions Tab

  • There are two ways to add a new user to your project:

    1. Add an existing XP-Dev.com registered user

      • All you have to do is put in the person's XP-Dev.com username or email. If the system does not find the user for you, it will come back with an error.
      • Remember to pick an access control level
      • Click on Save
    2. Invite someone using their email address

      • If you don't know the person's username or he/she doesn't have a username or email, then just add an email address to send an invitation to your project. Once the new user picks up the invitation (by logging in or registering a new user), he/she will be added immediately to your project.
      • Remember to pick an access control level - either Read, Write or Admin
      • Click on Invite

Add User

Removing Users from a Project

  • Select the project Settings tab and then the Permissions tab. Click on the link called Delete Permission for the user that you want to remove from your project and confirm the deletion:

Delete Permission

Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.