XP-Dev.com Documentation

Teamwork Integration

Teamwork is an online project management software application that helps teams work together more productively online. You can get your Git, Subversion & Mercurial repository changes listed under tasks and additionally complete them as well.

Enabling Teamwork Integration

  • Head over to your XP-Dev.com project's Repository tab
  • Click on the repository that you'd like to integrate Basecamp Classic with
  • Head to the Integrations sub-tab of your repository

Repository's Integration Tab

Under the Add a New Integration form:

  • Select Teamwork as the integration
  • Click on Add

Repository Integration Add Form

Head to your Teamwork account in order to get your API authentication token:

  • Click your profile picture and select Edit my details

Teamwork Edit my details

  • Open up the API tab and click Turn on the API for my account

Teamwork Turn on the API for my account

  • Check the checkbox which confirms that you have read and agreed to terms and conditions and click the button
    I agree, turn the API on to activate access to your account via API

Teamwork Accept terms

  • Now that you have activated API access, you can see your API Authentican Token. Click Show your token link to reveal your token

Teamwork Show your token

  • Copy the token down to use as the API Authentication Token on XP-Dev.com and click Save Details to save your changes

Teamwork Save details

You will need your Teamwork account URL, API authentication token and project ID to create a Teamwork integration.

  • Your account URL is normally in the format https://<account>.teamwork.com

  • Your Project ID is normally found in your Teamwork project's URL/web-address https://account.teamwork.com/projects/<Project ID>/overview. For example, if the URL is https://account.teamwork.com/projects/123456/overview then your Project ID is 123456

  • You have acquired your API authentication token in the previous steps

  • Fill in the necessary info and click Save

Teamwork Integration form

Using Teamwork Integration

Whenever you commit/push changes to your XP-Dev.com repository with a commit message containing the task ID prefixed with a hash (for example #123456 where 123456 is the task ID), a comment is created under that specific task, showing the changes you've made. You can also complete tasks by using Closes #123456, Close #123456, Resolves #123456 or Resolve #123456 anywhere on your commit messages.

Finding out ID of a task

Just open the task on your Teamwork account and use the URL on your browser. For example, 2246059 is the task ID for the following URL:


Disabling Teamwork Integration

  • Head over to your XP-Dev.com project's Repository tab
  • Click on the repository that has been integrated with Teamwork
  • Head to the Integrations sub-tab of your repository
  • Click on Delete Integration next to your Teamwork Integration

Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.